Not much going on around here, I'm busy as usual and finally have a minute to sit down and blog a bit. I'm looking forward to a weekend of simple pleasures and relaxing time spent with my family.
It started out last night when I went to a Bingo/fundraising event with a friend at our local high school. It was fun but also quite a fiasco. It turned out that a second set of bingo cards that were ordered, never arrived and they had to make photocopies of cards to give everyone enough sets. Well, it doesn't take a genius to realize that that is going to mean more than one winner per game. They ended up having a drawing for the prize if there were multiple winners which would have irritated me if that had happened to me but my cards were not copied, nor were they winners so it didn't matter either way. The prizes were Vera Bradley bags which I know people love but most of them aren't my style anyway, I wasn't THAT disappointed although there were a few I would have liked. We ended up going over to my friend's house after the bingo and had a few (healthy) snacks. I had a nice time.
Today, I'm doing my interent stuff and then heading to the Y for some cardio. I worked out really hard yesterday which felt great and I must be getting used to it again because I'm surprisingly not that sore today. I climbed 39 flights of stairs in 15 minutes on the escalator looking stair climber thing (yes, that's the technical name of it) and thought I'd be aching today...I guess I'm in pretty good shape for a fat chick! ha ha! I don't talk about my diet much because I hate to set myself up for failure but I've lost 11.4 pounds so far! Lots more to go but it's a start...
The Son and I are going to travel to the dollar store later, The Husband has lots of work to do for his on-line classes so I thought it might be nice to get the little guy out of the house and he wants to make his own valentines for his friends this year so I thought the dollar store was a good place to start. I also found a great Valentine's Day gift idea tutorial on line that I want to use. I'll link to it after I make the gifts but let's just say it's cute and inexpensive...two of my favorite things!
Tonight we're going out for dinner at a local pizza/pasta place for which we have a coupon. I'm going to pick up a menu on my way home from the Y so that I can be prepared to order something on the healthier side. Phyllis, the lady who runs my weight loss program would call that "good planning."
I think we're going to go see "Hotel for Dogs" tomorrow, The Son's been asking, and asking, and asking... sounds cute enough, I'm sure we'll like it.
I guess I'd better get moving if I want to get everything done today... I thought I'd be relaxing but from the looks of things... maybe not so much! Have a great weekend everyone!
Style Showcase 285
12 hours ago