Yes, CityMomma/CountryMomma's pity party is officially over. I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who commented on yesterday's post. I don't require a lot of comments to make me happy, the few that were left thrilled me to no end AND I especially have to thank Darlene my best non-related comment leaver and my Gorgeous 39 year old cousin Chrissy (who will only be 39 for a few more hours) because she too is an excellent comment leaver. MWP, you rock too!
The Son and I are about to leave for VBS soon, he's excited. I'm heading to the gym, I'm not excited because my hips are hurting and I have a cough so it makes it hard to work out. Still doing it though... it must be done! Later, we're heading to the craft store to pick up my supplies for next week's Creative Arts Camp that I am running. I might be back to blog later, I have some great pictures I've been holding back because I'm lazy and was bumming about no comments. I promised The Son that we would do some art activity later too, it's yucky weather today and we can't go to the pool!
Have a great day everyone, I hope the sun is shining where you are!
Decorating for Spring? Try This Instead.
1 week ago
I promise I read along! I'm sooo bad at leaving comments. I really enjoyed your Disney pictures! I used to work there, so I always love to see pictures :)
Oh, I knew you were just having a pity party!!!! Glad it is over!!!
I know the Son is having a wonderful time at VBS! I hope you get over your yuck cough soon.
We had a nice thunderstorm roll through about 4:00 a.m. but it is already sunny now. I think we are supposed to hit about 91 today. At least everything got some water...YAY!!
I haven't looked outside yet so I have no idea what it's like out there. It's supposed to be a cloudy 83 degrees today. We have had some wonderful weather the last few days. It'll end soon though. It'll be back to high 90s and humid in a couple of days. Maybe y'all will get some pool weather again soon!
Your hip has been bothering you for a while, girl. Be careful! :o)
my hip started hurting while I was running last week, and my knee, and my ankle.... I keep thinking it will go away, but how long has yours been going on?
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