This is one of those kinds of weeks for me, Today begins the last full week of summer for our family with big, BIG changes ahead. SO much is going on. I have off from work for the next two weeks because our Y is having it's annual shut-down for maintenance and the week after that, the indoor pool is still shut down for extra maintenance. Fortunately, the outdoor pool will still be open so I imagine we'll be spending a good deal of time there. No swim lessons is a nice break but we'll still be plenty busy getting ready for next week, next Monday will be The Son's First Day of Kindergarten!
The Husband and I have a meeting on Wednesday this week for The Son's school and then he has a "Sneak-a-Peek" meeting on Thursday where he'll get to see his classroom and meet his teacher. He's feeling a little bit apprehensive about it all but I think as soon as he meets the teacher and sees the classroom, he'll be excited. I think he's ready, he's been in preschool since the age of two and a half. He loves to learn, he loves to make friends... he's definitely ready in all those respects, but I know he feels it as a big change as well. A real milestone in his relatively short life so far. I'm pretty confident, he'll adjust well and quickly. Me... I'm not so sure. Part of me is ready and SO excited for him, but as so many of you know, it's hard to "let go," to let him enter the "real" world of education. He's only attending half day kindergarten, I still haven't decided if that's going to be a good or bad thing for us. I guess that all remains to be seen. I do know that it will be an adjustment for both of us, my little shadow for five years will be missing for a couple extra hours in the day and that's going to be hard.
I too have changes ahead for me as well, hopefully, they'll all turn out to be good. I'll keep you posted on them. For this week, it just means that I have to go work out at a different YMCA, nothing major. I know it's a nice Y, nothing like the little rinky-dink one I visited in Maine last week. I'm looking at it as a nice change of pace. It will be nice for The Son to check out a new Kids' Corner too. I'm hoping it will help him realize that change is good and that Kindergarten won't be so scary.
I'm currently uploading the hundreds of pictures I took on our vacation to Maine. I'll share some more of them with you this week. Have a great Monday everyone! Stay healthy! We're going to work on enjoying this last week of Momma/Son time together.
Hey girly, he's going to do great and so will you! And life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same~no matter how much we wish it did. I love seeing your pictures from Maine...they truly are beautiful. I hope to catch up with sometime this week at the pool. ((Hugs)) Melissa
Very nice post!! I love the pictures - I love the way Maine looks. I think every mom you talk to feels the same way about their child starting Kindergarten. I know he will do great and so will you!! You will come to enjoy that little extra time he is away to get things done or whatever! My daughter enters first grade next week, obviously it is full day, so I am having a tough time with that. My buddy, my shadow will be gone all day!!!!! :(
From the posts I have read about The Son I know he is going to do GREAT in kindergarten!!! Hey, he may be running the class after a couple of
I think the biggest change will be for you, but he will be bounding home and telling you all about his fun day he has had and it won't be as hard as you thought. I am wishing both of you luck in the big up-coming change!♥
Awww....that was really sweet and I am tearing up here (having an emotional day!)
He WILL do great but I can totally understand your feelings. I will be there just two years from is going to be hard, Kindergarten is a big step out into the "real" world. I am sure it will go well for all of you!
Good luck!
Great post. Love the pictures. Love the one with the 2 of you in the Boston caps. ♥ The son will do great in school. He is so smart & social. He'll love it.
He is so darn cute.
Glad to hear and see that you had a good vacation. Hoping you got to fit a little "hello" in to those good guys Ben & Jerry. ;-) And I can't wait to hear about the big, bug changes! I am on the edge of my seat waiting!!
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