I'm not sure I have any readers left... I've been so busy and not had lots of time to blog. I know blah, blah, blah... I say that way too often. Not that many of you leave comments anyway... (hint, hint)
I've come to realize that when people say, "I don't have time to work out," it's probably true. That is of course if they want a clean house, folded laundry and/or time to relax. You know I love to work out, so it goes with out saying that my house isn't clean, my laundry isn't folded and I haven't relaxed very much at all. That's Ok though. Right? RIGHT!
Today I managed to get to the gym in the morning while The Husband was still home with The Son, I came home and then walked the dog around the neighborhood after we took The Son to the bus so I've logged a good 4.5 miles today alone! Now, I'm looking forward to some quiet time here at home while The Son is at school, quiet time that will involve cleaning a closet and doing laundry. Jealous?
I added a little list on the side of this blog to track my mileage since the Race for Hope that we participated in at the beginning of November. Last week I ran 22 miles! It's really amazing to me that I can do that and actually love it. I hesitate to make this declaration but I am seriously thinking of training for the Philadelphia Broad Street Run. It's not until May and it's 10 miles. I think I can do it... stay tuned for an "official" announcement soon...
So I titled this post "Buckling Down" because I am in the final stretch for reaching my weight loss goals. I've lost 74 pounds and want to lose 26 more for a grand total of 100! I would like to do it by the time I turn 40 but since that is a mere 57 days away, I don't think it's going to be possible. Nevertheless, I need to buckle down and get the rest of this weight off. It's easy to be complacent when I feel so good and fit into a size 12 not a 22! So the next weeks will be spent eating healthy, JOURNALING what I eat, and working on my fitness. Sounds like fun to me and no, I'm not being sarcastic. I'll let you know how it goes... I'm hoping for a good loss this week.
Enjoy your Monday everyone. I have some cute pictures to post this week along with a tutorial on how to make a super cute tutu... a Tutu tutorial of sorts! Stay healthy!
Fashion over 60 More Spring Inspiration
1 day ago
I have been having my quiet time this morning, cleaning away. The house always feels so fresh after a good cleaning!
Hubby has started back on a workout routine and I have walked the last couple of days (a mile) with Lexi. I am going to work really hard on daily walking and watching my portion control. That is my definite weakness....I can eat like a man! I am wishing you lots of luck in losing your last 26 pounds. I definitely know you CAN do it!!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday.♥
So funny - I cleaned this weekend, which included the God-awful walk-in closet!
I SOOO wanna run the Broad St. run! I have a ways to go though to get in shape.
I love reading your blog - it always motivates me. :)
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