I need a little advice people. I have been asked by a good friend of mine, to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk.
I really, really, really want to do it with her.
Sadly, she lost her sister to Breast Cancer and wants to do the walk in memory of her.
I really, really, really want to do it with her.
It's not until October, my fantastic boss has agreed to cover my Saturday classes for me to be able to participate and...
I really, really, really, want to do it but... I am hesitant... very hesitant... why?
Because in order to do it, participants MUST raise $2300! EACH! You cannot do the walk unless you raise the money or guarantee it with a credit card. Yeah. That credit card part, is NOT going to happen. It just seems like such a huge amount of money and I am not good at asking people to donate, particularly in these "difficult economic times."
I'd like to think of some ways to raise the money, I'm creative, I am not against some kind of fundraiser(s) but the problem is, I don't know where or what or how to go about doing it. So, I ask you, what would you do? Do you think I should just register and go for it and try to raise the money or is it just out of the realm of possibility for me to actually get $2300 for this very worthy cause? I don't have tons of time to devote to this so it has to be something fairly simple. There is a $25 discount on registering up until March 9 so I want to make this decision quickly, plus, the sooner I register, the sooner I will be able to start the fund raising. Any opinions? Suggestions? Input? I appreciate it!
As I type this, I just saw the commercial for the 3-Day Walk and I want to be a Pink Warrior! Has anyone out there done this and found ways to raise the money?
I really, really want to do this...
Style Showcase 285
1 day ago
great cause but i'd be leery too. i hate asking for people for money for me and i hate people asking me for money when i can barely afford food right now. i've seen people set up websites for donations? etsy stuff - you're pretty crafty?
I was actually going to do this 3-day walk a few years ago until I found out how much of it actually goes to the charity. I think I found out (and I could be wrong), that almost 40% of the money raised doesn't go to the charity. I didn't agree with that, so I decided not to do the walk.
i registered long ago for the AIDS Ride and had to raise a bunch of money and I was SHOCKED at how much people donate.d it was so easy to raise it. people were so generous. so many people have been touched by cancer and are willing to donate :)
A lot of things could happen between now and October..You could raise the money or you may not..I think you should go with your gut. That is a lot of money. There is nothing wrong with saying you can't do it, however maybe you could thrown some money her way in order to support her. I would hope that she wouldn't be offended, but if she is, there is nothing you can do about that.
PS..I had no idea that it would cost that much.
I did the 3 Day in 2008. An absolutely fabulous experience. But raising the money was the most difficult part. People, however, will suprise you with their generosity. Just by sending out a letter/email to family & friends, I raised all but $150. If you're willing to be creative, you could easily do it. good luck with your decision!
Too funny that you posted this! I was going to do it with a group of friends this year, too. One of my good friends is a 5 year breast cancer survivor. We actually decided all not to do it, because of the large amount of money required. We are all friends and would be asking pretty much the same people to donate - and for 5 of us to do it, we would have had to raise over $11,000! My friend also mentioned the same as one of the other comments about the amount of money that actually goes to the cause. I have been disappointed about it, because it would have been such an awesome experience! But, it is true that they don't exactly make it easy to participate! Good luck with your decision, let us know what you decide! Have a great weekend!
wow..that is alot of $$$
How about DH lawfirm sponsoring you? or the YMCA?
I'm not really a big help but thought I would throw that out there.
Hey Caren~
I'm doing it in October. YOu can join our team if you'd like. Let me know. Steph
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