I finally have a few minutes to post some pictures from our town's Memorial Day Parade. It was a very short parade but turned out to be a lot of fun. It was a first "small town parade" for both me and The Son. I'm sure we'll go to many more in the future though
Here's a couple shots of the main parade route:

The Son and The Husband, lined up and ready for the action. Yes, that is a "Shark" book that we have with us. The Son is currently obsessed, actually has been for a while, with sharks. It kept him entertained while we waited so no complaints from me!
Me and The Son, I know this isn't the greatest shot of The Son but I actually like the way I look for a change and you always see cute pictures of him, also you can kind of see my patriotic bow in my hair, for those of you who remember my post about hair bows being "too young" for me.
The parade finally started! Here's some guy named Gary who was home from the war. He started things off. I don't know him but it's nice to know he's home safely.
The Marching Band from our local high school. They were pretty good. My favorite part for sure! I would have enjoyed more bands but alas, this was the one and only.
The Son eagerly awaits more action...
This was the one and only "float" in the parade, it was for the Lions Club and the dogs on it were seeing eye/helper dogs. It was pretty cute, The Husband told me this wasn't a float but I think the sparkly blue fringe around the flat bed of the truck turns it into an official float, so there.
Then the fire trucks started. This was pretty cool but I don't understand why our town's trucks are yellow? The Son was a little disappointed because red is his favorite color and he doesn't like anyone to forget that! ha!
There were a lot more "classic cars" to come after the fire engines but I won't bore you with those. The Husband and The Son enjoyed them and they were kind of cool but not exactly the most interesting thing to look at pictures of, at least in my opinion. Here's The Son wondering why it's all over already.
After the parade, we walked up to the Veteran's Memorial in town, they had a little ceremony, the band played again and they shot off some guns...good times...good times...

Thanks for looking at our Memorial Day Shots!

I have a couple more things to post from the day but I have to get ready for work and as you can see from my now corrected time label, it's almost 8:15! The Son is still sleeping and I still have to get my swimsuit on and my work out clothes/regular clothes packed up for the Y after work. Have a great day everyone!
What is up with the mushrooms??
Looks like a cute parade.
TFS :)
Did you miss my mushroom post Erin? I'll make a link to it if you happen to see this and want to read it.
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