The Son just asked me the funniest question. He was watching "Sprout" on TV when he said, "Momma? The pointy things on the Statue of Liberty's head, are those for protection or are they just a part of it's body?" I told him it was just a crown on a lady's head. He seemed very confused, I think he thought she was some kind of creature with points on the head...I think the child might be watching a bit too much "Pokemon" these days.
That boy just cracks me up!
Decorating for Spring? Try This Instead.
1 week ago
Hahahaha that is a great question though!
That is the cutest thing. He cracks me up too. LOL!!
LOL! I can see how it would be confusing!
No worries.. I know not everyone has the same taste and I am happy not to share Edward with you :)
I should red the Host!
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