It's Thursday and I'm participating in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop again. I'm not very consistent with my participation but I like to do it when she has a relatively easy prompt, like today so I'm going to do this one... 3.) List your five most recent favorite things.
These are a few of my favorite things...
1. Bison Burger
As many of you know, I am pursuing a healthier lifestyle. I recently discovered this Bison Burger in the grocery store as I was wandering through the meat area. I love burgers but the "lean" burger at our grocery store was never very tasty to me and the regular burger is tasty but not very healthy. I've had bison at restaurants before and liked it so I picked up a pack for the fam. It. is. fantastic. It's juicy but lean and has all the flavor of a regular burger but without a greasy taste. A 4 oz. burger has 190 calories unlike a regular burger that has 285 calories (and lots more fat). A pound costs a little more than $5 so it's probably a bit more expensive than regular ground beef but it is really delicious. Sure, it's still a treat, and not as healthy as chicken or other lean meats but I save it for Thursday nights after I've been weighed. I serve it with roasted potatoes to make it really feel decadent. I recommend it fully. I don't think I'll ever go back to regular ground beef.
2. My sleeping son He's awake now but he just woke up and it's almost 11:30 AM. He was up at the crack of dawn with me, complaining that he had a "nightmare" and wanted to get in bed with Momma and Daddy. The thing is, we were just about to get up because "the crack of dawn" is when I am due into work. I got up to get ready and The Son stayed in my bed. The Husband came down to put on the coffee and we thought The Son had gone back to sleep in our bed. Evidently, he got up about five minutes after I left for work which wasn't even 7 AM! The husband coerced and cajoled him to get him back in his bed and as I started this post, he was still asleep. Can you say photo op? He's up now and he missed his gymnastics class but he didn't seem too upset by that and frankly, I'm happy to have had an excuse to not have to be on the run before noon.
3. My new sneakers I finally managed to get some new sneakers and I am loving these so much that I am going to devote a large portion of myAdventures in Living Healthy with CityMomma/ CountryMommapost tomorrow. They've made my work outs so much more enjoyable.
4. This Guy Here's our puppy Ziggy in all his Pointer Glory. He was out front having a ball this morning when I took this. You see, it's very windy here today, VERY windy and he was having so much fun running around the yard chasing blowing leaves and pointing at everything is sight. I was thrilled to finally get a good picture of him pointing...he is a German Shorthair Pointer after all. He's such a smart and sweet dog and even though he can drive me crazy at times, I love, love, love him. The other day, The Son and I were snuggling on the couch when Ziggy decided that he had to be in the middle of us right then and there. We ended up like three spoons, watching TV with Ziggy behind The Son and me behind Ziggy. The Son and I couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny. I was really wishing there was someone else who could have taken our picture.
And lastly, a really silly thing that is currently one of my favorite things...
5. Word Challenge on Facebook Are you on facebook? Have you played this game? Well, when I started it, I was terrible, really terrible, but I have goals people. Goals to be the BEST and I practiced and practiced and practiced and now, I am the BEST! At least as far as my facebook friends who play Word Challenge are concerned. I have a high score of over 65,000 and that is 40,000 points higher than my closest facebook friend. I don't know why I've become obsessed but I have to play it a couple times a day just to see if I can beat my high score. I'm working on getting over 100,000. I'll let you know if I get there.
So there you have it my bloggy friends, 5 of my current favorite things. Be sure to stop by Mama Kat's blog and check on some of her other Writer's Workshop participants. It's a great way to find new blogs to read and we all know we could always use some more blogs to read! Have a great day everyone.
sleeping sons are the most adorable thing EVER! I can't tell you how many sleeping pictures I have of my son. and you have addicted me to Word Challenge and I bow to your william shakespear (I'm presuming that's who it is) do you do it? I'm thinking I have to memorize all the 6 letter words...its too much...
I too love the Bison Burger. I just found it in one of our stores here in CT. I thought I wasn't going to be able to get it and have to stock up on my next visit. LOL!!
I'm a 41-year-old mom who teaches swim lessons at our local YMCA and who works as a nutritionist, helping others to lose weight. I recently lost 90 pounds myself and I've maintained it for a year. But I consider my most important job that of taking care of my sweet, 6-year-old boy, two furry canine sons and one fantastic husband to whom I've been married for sixteen years. We were "city people" for many years but we're now "country people" since we've moved from a small row home in a hip, urban neighborhood to a much smaller country town an hour outside of "our" city. Join me to read about our family's adventures, my love of fitness/running, crafts, decorating and healthy living and any other random nonsense I may decide to blog about...let the adventures begin...
great list, now a bison burger sounds very interesting!
Your sleeping son looks so peaceful!
Bison burger....hmmm
PS loved both of your homes!
I like your list! I love the pointing photo of Ziggy! Really cute.
sleeping sons are the most adorable thing EVER! I can't tell you how many sleeping pictures I have of my son. and you have addicted me to Word Challenge and I bow to your william shakespear (I'm presuming that's who it is) do you do it? I'm thinking I have to memorize all the 6 letter words...its too much...
I too love the Bison Burger. I just found it in one of our stores here in CT. I thought I wasn't going to be able to get it and have to stock up on my next visit. LOL!!
Your son is so cute sleeping....I love to see sleeping children, they always look so peaceful and beautiful. Ziggy is so pretty!
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