We went to see the movie "Hotel for Dogs" last night. It was very cute. I've asked The Son to give me some feedback and to help me review the movie. Here's his take on it:
"The story was about dogs that lived in a big, wrecked old hotel that became a real hotel. They had a lot of dogs and they were a team together. Always, forever. And then new people came and then it became a restaurant and the dogs were servants really, they did things for the people. They weared handkerchiefs and hats. The dogs looked silly but "Georgia" was pretty cute in the movie. I really liked "Friday" and I have "Hotel or Dogs" toys. Romeo falled in love with Juliet and the grossest part was when Romeo licked Juliet's tongue and Juliet licked Romeo's tongue, that's how they kissed. That was pretty gross but if you think it's not gross, that's OK. I love dogs and we wished we could put Ziggy in "Hotel for Dogs" when somebody sees it. I really liked when the good guys got the dogs back and they tricked somebody, they tricked the bad guys and they loved it. A dog lost her leg but the vet saved her. The dog who lost her leg looked like Ziggy a little bit. It was a great movie, families should see it and I loved the movie. That's my story. The End."
Well, there you have it folks, an official review from The Son. Please don't worry that there are any spoilers in the review because frankly, I'm a little confused about some of the things he said and I actually saw the movie with him. I found it to be a really good movie, and The Husband enjoyed it as well. For official movie information you can click here.
It definitely sounds like a movie that we would LOVE!! Thanks Son for the review!!♥
HA HA! I loved his review. So funny! Sounds cute!
That's an awesome review! We've been wanting to see that one as well. Hopefully we'll get to see "Coraline" this weekend. My son has been working really hard on his work so hopefully he'll do good. :) If we get to go, I'll let you know how it is!
I love the review.♥ Too cute. LOL!
We were thinking of going but weren't sure. Now I totally think it would be worth taking them!!
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