Just a few little updates about me and what's going on in my ever so exciting life.
1. I am officially a sell-out. Yes, I added ads to my blog through Googles's adsense. Anyone can do it really, it's quite easy. Here MamaKat has a great post that gives you a bit more info so you too can add ads to your blog. Just so you know, when a person has ads on their blog, they get money each time you click on the ads. It's a small amount but small amounts add up. The person who has ads on their blog is prohibited from asking you to click on their ads...strictly prohibited so of course, I would never actually do that.
2. Remember a couple months ago when I had to stop seeing my good friend Chardonnay? Well, we definitely haven't been spending much time together at all and the results are that I'm losing weight. BUT... last night her cousin Mr. Malbec came over with some girlfriends of mine. CityMomma/CountryMomma spent a little too much time with Mr. Malbec and now, I'm suffering from a headache. I even had to go back to bed this morning after I got up. I was supposed to go to the gym but didn't manage to get there. Not good for the diet, I tell ya! I will be going though, I promise. Part of the problem is that I didn't eat very much when my friends were over because I wanted to hang out with Mr. Malbec. Probably not a good choice but you know they say hindsight is 20/20...at least, I think that's what they say. Another part of the problem is that my dear friend, Amy Advil was practially empty this morning and I only had one little pill available. Momma needed a bit more today, that's for sure.
3. The family STILL has not made it to see the movie "Hotel for Dogs" but we really want to. I'm trying to include that on the agenda for this weekend. I'll let you know if we make it there. Perhaps we'll even do a movie review, I'm sure The Son would love to help with that.
4. The weather is really nice today and is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow. I've been wondering if The Son's LLBean snow boots would also work in the mud. The answer to that question is yes, yes they do work, in lots of mud. I hope the hose works to hose those bad boys down! ha ha!
5. And the best, and probably most important news of the weekend...I was finishing up getting ready in the Y's locker room yesterday afternoon and was talking to a middle-aged woman. She mentioned that I was "too young to remember" and "probably didn't have kids yet" when I realized she thought I was WAY younger than I am. I turned to her and said, "I am thirty-nine years old! I'm not that young." She was flabbergasted (yes. genuinely.) and said she thought I was 24! I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day let me tell you...must be all the water I drink! My mom always looked younger and we always joked that it was because we were both on the "plump" side that the wrinkles were filled out and didn't show. I hope I don't start to look older as I lose weight. That will NOT be a good side-effect.
Well, I guess that's it for now, have a great weekend everyone!
Decorating for Spring? Try This Instead.
1 week ago
your post made me laugh Caren. In all honesty I never knew it was good blog reading ettiquette to comment...but it IS nice to get comments so thank you for yours. someone asked my age the other day and said they would have thought 30 MAX which made me feel good cause 40 is sounding old to me even though I'm already saying to people - 40 in August.
funny I don't talk to A's father often because of some of his issues but since he's an actor I will check out recent shows. last summer he was in a one man show and when I saw his pics I thought oh he's lost weight but he looks OLD...he wasn't too happy when I told him that...:(
awesome on the age comment! That does make you feel good.
Our weekend has been pretty low-key. Matt is working so Lily and I are heading to the grocery store! What fun!!???
Hehehehehe I clicked on the ad!!!!! I'm sorry Mr. Malbec gave you a headache and I hope this evening finds you feeling much better! We didn't manage to go see the movie either this weekend but just finished watching Spiderwick Chronicles....it was GOOD!!!
I had to search to find your ads. I see no reason why not to use them- they're tiny!
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