It's Friday again and I'm continuing with my series on my weight loss. It's late in the day but at least I'm getting it done today and not tomorrow. It's been a rough day. Yesterday, I did an ABC poem for MamaKat's Writer's Workshop, all about my sweet son and how much I love him. The boy I talked about in that poem was absent from our lives today. In his place was a devil-child who practically got thrown out of Kids' Corner at the Y and forced me to leave after only 5 minutes on the treadmill. He also bit me on the right wrist (badly!) and got a very huge punishment of the variety he NEVER gets. He spent a lot of time in his room too. It was not a pleasant morning. We did manage to make it back to the Y so that he could apologize for his malevolent behavior and so that I could at least get some semblance of a work out in. He's been much better and I think he's remorseful for his wrong-doings. Crazy kid, who knows what got into him.
So anyway here it is:
Adventures in Living Healthy with CityMomma/ CountryMomma
Speaking of exercise... that's what I am going to write about today. I got weighed yesterday and lost a measly half a pound this week. I will admit that I've been a "tracker slacker" and haven't been writing down all my foods, I got back on that today. I felt like I ate just fine last week, so I'm not unhappy with a half pound, in fact it puts my grand total at 16 pounds lost... not too shabby!
I've been exercising a lot. At least five times a week but usually six for about two hours a day. I'm very addicted to it at this point and I love to sweat. I try all different kinds of exercise, different types of cardio and then my weight routine. One of the girls who works at the Y has been encouraging me to participate in a 5K in May. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it. I "run" 5K on the treadmill a couple times a week as it is. Now, you may notice that I have the word run in quotes. That's because I am slow. S. L. O. W. Slow. So my running is actually more like "runking" or run/walking. I'm trying to up my speed and endurance because if I do a race at the pace I'm going, they'll think I'm a really fast walker instead of a person participating in the run portion of the race! Ha! I write down my exercise and for 2009, I have "runked" 35.4 miles on the treadmill alone! That doesn't include my elliptical and stair climber workouts. I think that's pretty good and I'm going to continue to update my total each Friday when I do this post.
After a brisk 5 mintue warm-up today I ran a minute, walked a minute and a half for a half an hour. I read on the Internet that that is a good way to build up your speed and endurance. It wasn't too difficult but I burned 400 calories (including the warm-up) and felt pretty good when I was done. I'll challenge myself a little bit more tomorrow I think with 1 minute 15 seconds of each running and walking. I might have to stick to that plan for a week or so. I'll let you know how it goes. I also did the stair master and climbed 24 flights of stairs in 10 minutes... that burned 100 calories and was very challenging. I love it when I'm finished though. LOVE IT!
So, this may not be a very helpful post since it just tells you what I do for my work out but let me tell you this... I am NOT a skinny girl. I like to say I'm "pretty fit for a fat chick" bit if anyone told me I'd be running on a treadmill and actually enjoying it, I would have said they were crazy. If anyone reading this wants to start an exercise program, no matter what your size or weight, I say, "You can do it!" I started small and then the addiction just took over and I'm getting results. My heart is getting healthier, my body is getting slimmer and although my muscles may hurt right now, I know they're getting stronger too. If I can do it (and like it!) you can do it too!
As you always hear them say, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor before starting any weight loss or fitness program so I guess I should say that just to be on the safe side but mostly, I just hope this post can encourage anyone reading that they too can have a healthier lifestyle if they want to.
Decorating for Spring? Try This Instead.
1 week ago