Friday, May 8, 2009

And I just keep on losing!

I know I keep talking about those Disney pictures, I plan on posting more, I really do. I'll get right to work on that. Later. Since it's Friday, you know I have to talk about my new and improved healthy lifestyle. That's right... it's time for...

Healthy Living with

I had another great week! I lost two pounds! That makes my grand total 39 pounds! I was happy with the loss although I must admit I was really hoping to hit the big 4-0 this week... next week will have to do. I got back on track with the food tracking, (pun intended) and for this week, I volunteered to be the keeper of the traveling journal to track my food. "You bite it, you write it." It's a pain in the neck but it does really work and make me accountable for what I choose to eat. I've already written my breakfast and my as yet to be eaten lunch. I have a Mother's Day Tea at The Son's preschool this afternoon and I really wanted to be sure of the calories I'll be eating before I go to that. There's bound to be treats for all the Mommies... treats I'll most likely pass on unless there's fruit.

Pretty soon, we're packing up all our stuff and heading out to the Y. The Son will go to his beloved Kids' Corner and I'll work out. Our routine is differing a bit today because of the tea party but I need to get my work out in. Thank goodness for Kids' Corner, it's a life saver!

I am running my first ever race next Saturday! It should be really exciting but I'm actually kind of scared. On Wednesday, I managed to complete my 5K (on the treadmill) in 37 minutes 5 seconds. My best time yet! As I keep saying, I know it's slow but if I can finish an actual 5K on the road in under 40 minutes, I'll feel a real sense of accomplishment. I think I can do it. I'm doing another 5K today and hoping to get more time off. That reminds me, if there is any one who reads this blog who is a runner, should I be doing something special this week to prepare for my first 5 K? I don't want to be too sore from running but I do have to keep working out, race or no race. Any advice would be appreciated.

Well, my bloggy friends, I have to be getting ready to get to the Y, I wanted to be there by 10 and at the rate I'm going, I'll be lucky to be there by 10:30! Have a great Friday!


Nina said...

congrats Caren...great accomplishment.

Darlene said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss! You are doing a FABULOUS job! I am wishing you good luck on the run this will do just fine! Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.♥

Chrissy Cuz said...

I am sooooo proud of you Cuz!! I can't wait to see you next weekend. Great time on the 5K too. Keep up the good work. :o)

Cathy said...

Awesome job as usual!!
Keep it up!

Running Jen said...

Great job Caren, you're doing awesome! Is the 5K this weekend, or next? The only advice really, is probably obvious - eat a light snack about 2-3 hours before the race. I never, ever eat anything before a run (I always run in the morning) but I do eat something light on race days, and it does seem to help. Usually just a banana or something, or toast, bagel, etc.

If you're looking to do your best time, have the best race you can, I would advise taking 2 days off before the race. I don't take any time off for a 5K, but for any race longer than that, if I'm looking to kick butt and have the best race I can, I take 2 full days off, I find that the run is so much better after those days off. Since it's a 5K, do what you feel would work for you, as I said, I don't follow that for a 5K, but since it's your first race, I don't know if you want to.

Keep us posted, and good luck!!!

morewineplease said...

WOW!! It seems like it has happened to fast! You are rock'n it lady!! Congrats!!