is the day that I became Mrs. The Husband's last name. ;) If you want to read about how we met, click here for the post that I wrote last year. Today, to celebrate my 15 years of wedded bliss, (most of the time) I'm going to tell you all some of the reasons that I love The Husband. These are in no particular order...
1. He's Smart!
The Husband is a smart guy. He's well-educated and well-rounded and just generally an interesting person to talk to. He pretty much always wins at Trivial Pursuit. The times that I've managed to beat him, I walk around feeling like a genius for days! He knows a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff and I am definitely attracted to his brains, smart guys rock!
2. He's Kind!
Sometimes, this can be a downfall because The Husband is definitely what you would call a Really. Nice. Guy. He's the kind of guy that will give you the shirt off his back but the downfall is that sometimes he's SO nice that he forgets to worry about himself too. I love him for that though because his sweetness and earnestness just make you know that he's genuine and really cares about people.
3. He's Cute!
Duh. Of course I would think that, I'm his wife, but The Husband IS a really cute guy. Kind of like that sweet cuddly teddy bear that you've always loved.
4. He Likes Stuff I Like.
The Husband is especially great as a husband because although he LOVES "guy" stuff like the Red Sox, the movie "Hoosiers" and Rugby, he also likes things that I like. We met doing musical theatre and still like to attend shows and performances on a regular basis. He watches show like "So You Think you Can Dance" with me and even goes shopping with me. If he's pretending to like those things, that's fine, he does a really good job of pretending and does it with me anyway, that's all I ask for.
5. He's a Hard Worker and Takes Care of Us.
I don't like it that The Husband works as much as he does but I know it's not his fault and he's working hard so that I am able to (pretty much) stay home and raise our child. It's also really, really important to me that The Husband is the kind of guy who helps around the house and cooks on occassion. I hear from friends of mine that their husbands do NOTHING to take care of household duties or child care at all and I simply cannot imagine. The Husband is great about putting The Son to bed at night, cooking a few times a week be it breakfast or dinner and generally being a helpful guy. I know that if I ask him to do something to help me out, he'll do it with out too much complaining. He's just very considerate that way, it's one of the little things that make me realize how much he loves me.
6. He's Supportive.
The Husband is just over all, a very supportive guy. He's been very supportive of my weight loss but never made me feel as if I needed to lose weight, if that makes any sense. When people ask him how he feels about it, he tells them he's proud of me but that he was proud of me and loved me just the same before. I know he means it because he's always been that way. If I want to do something, he'll help support me so that we can find a way for me to do it.
and the most important thing of all...
7. He is a Wonderful Daddy!
I could not ask for a better man to be the father of my child. (and canine children too) He is patient and loving, creative and affectionate and The Son loves him more than anything. It warms my heart when I see my two guys together hanging out, watching "Man Cave" on HGTV playing silly kid games, drawing together, etc. The love between them is obvious and I know that The Son is a very lucky little boy to have a Daddy who loves him so unconditionally.
So on this day Sweet Husband, I want to wish you a Happy Anniversary, I love you very much and look forward to many more happy years with you. Now COME HOME! Your business trip has lasted far too long. Today is the first July 23rd since 1994 that I've woken up with out you!
Have a great day everyone!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Congratulations! Your husband sounds like a wonderful man!! I wish you both many more years of happiness!!
Happy Anniversary! Great post about why you love him!
Happy Anniversary!! I remember when I met you guys a few years ago, I thought he was a really nice guy (and you too, of course!)
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Caren, that was so nice!!! He certainly is a great guy. Happy Anniversary to you two lovebirds!!!
Happy Anniversary again! I hope your day was special. He certainly is an all around great guy! Lucky you! :)
Congratulations on 15 years!! What a great post, very touching. I also realized I turned 25 the day before you got married. Now I feel old. LOL!!
Just found your blog! What a sweet post!! Happy Anniversary!
Congrat! What an awesome hubby... and he is a lucky guy!
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