June 30, 1995 - September 9, 2008
Iago grew up in the City of Philadelphia where as a puppy, he attended "Puppy Kindergarten" in Head House Square. He chose not to continue his studies but rather to concentrate on being a loyal and loving household pet. The CityFamily/CountryFamily was blessed to be on the receiving end of that love and loyalty. Iago was well-loved by all he met. He was said to be the kind of dog who "never met a lap he didn't like." He was a big dog in a small dog's body and in his time, was known to charm even "small dog haters" into fans of his. He was well-behaved, friendly and kind to both children and adults.
He got his name when he was adopted by his Mommy and Daddy as a small pup of only 2.2 pounds. His Daddy felt that it would be amusing to name such a sweet and lovable dog with an "evil name" and being an English major in college, instantly thought of the character of Iago from Shakespeare's "Othello". Veritas, meaning honest was his middle name since Iago is often called "Honest Iago" in the play of "Othello". Iago in the play was anything but honest but Iago the Min Pin was honest and true to the end.
In his free time, Iago enjoyed playing with his nubby ball, attacking the mail as it came through the mail slot of his City House, eating dehydrated liver treats, barking at strangers on the street and snuggling up with his family and friends. His favorite place was on his Mommy's lap under a blanket. He was especially adept at finding any small patch of sunlight on the floor and laying right in it. His canine siblings might say that he wasn't always willing to share his patches of sunlight but they loved him in spite of this minor flaw. He was always proud of his bright eyes, shiny coat and wagging stump of a tail and was happy to wag that thing for anyone who could even remotely appreciate it.
His adopted sister Desdemona (also a Miniature Pinscher) died in 2006 but he is survived by his human Mommy, Daddy and brother as well as his adopted canine brothers DaVinci and Zigfried.
The family will be mourning Iago's loss for quite some time and asks that you remember how important your pets are and to treat them extra special in Iago's memory.
We love you Iago. We'll miss you Old Friend.
He will be greatly missed. He really was the best dog. I know he is sitting on Mommy's lap right now with Mona by their side and Ashley hissing at her feet!
Love you!
I'm sorry that he has passed. I will most certainly give a little extra love to my furry babies in memory of your sweet boy.
I am so sorry that he has passed on. (((BIG HUGS)))
I am so sorry Caren. Big hugs to you, and your family!
So sorry Caren. I'm going to send you an email with a funny in it. Smooches!
Oh no! I am so sorry about the loss of Iago. :o(
I had to stop by and say I was LOL at your comment on Mama's Losing it, and check to see if you blogged about you teaching your son to lite matches yet (just kidding for those of you who dont know what were talking about! lol) Anyways... you cracked me up and I had to come by and say HI!!
Sorry for your loss... I know how paindul that can be!
Oh I'm so sorry! What a beautiful doggie! This is my first visit to your blog, I'll be thinking about your family and sending positive thoughts...
I am so sorry, Caren!!
RIP, Iago.
OH CAREN!! I am so sorry, I know how much that hurts your heart!!
HUGS from MWP!
Oh Caren, I am sorry. You know I understand, my heart broke reading this.
I am SO SO SO sorry. My heart goes out to you.
I am so sorry, I know how painful that it is to lose a special pet.
Oh no. :-( But I have to say, your obituary's headline made me smile.
We adopted our first dog together (I've *never* had a dog) last year. The shelter thought she was about 8 and in one short year I'm already panic struck about her age and probable time with us. I feel your sorrow, especially having spent so long with Iago.
I'm a recent visitor to your blog and really have been enjoying it.
Thanks for visiting my blog/commenting. I'm so sorry about your pet, Iago Verita. I'm struggling with the sickness and last days of my 14 year old toy poodle. We've been without power for the last 38 hours due to Ike so I've been even more emotional about the suffering that my pet is dealing with. I'll be visiting your blog again soon. Thanks for stopping by my world.
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