Last Wednesday, The Son "graduated" from Pre-K. I'd like to start off by saying that I am really not into the caps and gowns for Pre-K or Kindergarten graduation. Personally, I think they should be saved for high school, college and graduate degrees (of which The Son will surely have many ;) ) That being said, his school does the cap and gown thing so I had to embrace it... they do look awfully cute.
I started off with a few pictures on our front step. It was kind of sunny so he's a little bit squinty. The Son has very sensitive eyes. (rolling my eyes)
Here he is on his first day, back in September. See, he was a little squinty there too...
A few more inside pictures before we headed out. This Boy is obsessed with giving the "thumb's up" sign in every. picture. You know I had to get one of these...
The graduation was held outside in the camp pavilion which worked out beautifully. Here's The Son as they entered and sat down. He looks a bit nervous and I could tell he was scared. His teachers, both on separate occasions had told me what a good singer he is and how he was definitely "the leader" with the songs in the class. I came to realize that by "the leader" they really meant, he is the only one who is going to sing at the graduation.
...I guess he felt the pressure.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said...
And numerous songs were sung...
...with great emotion...
Certificates (let's not call them diplomas, shall we?) were handed out...
And much love and proudness (yes, I know that's not a word.) abounded.
The Son was given a few gifts, the most exciting being a Hot Wheels car that changes color with hot or cold water. He's already gotten another one and keeps forgetting that he put them in the freezer to change color. Silly kid...
The families had snacks and chatted and good times were had by all. I was very pleased with The Son's schooling at our YMCA and would recommend the program to anyone. His teachers were wonderful and I'm very glad that we'll still be able to see them since we're at the Y all the time. They would be missed otherwise. It was a great year! He's ready for Kindergarten... I'm not sure I am, but he certainly is.
Let the summer fun begin...
House Hushing & Why You Need It Now
6 days ago
so sweet! I am all teary-eyed here. He looks so cute and grown up! Congrats! You look fabulous too Sister!! :)
he is stinking adorable, Caren. congrats on his graduation...
The son looks so handsome. :o)
You are also looking good Caren Cuz. I can't wait to see you at the end of the month. :o)
He's quite the ham! Love the pictures..Momma and daddy look quite proud too!
Can you say, "ham?" Ha! He's so darn handsome, too.
Great photo of the three of you, by the way. You look fabulous!
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