Also this week, I am diligently working on The Son's Halloween costume. He wants to be Wall-E and I am the mom in the neighborhood who insists on making all his costumes. There was one year I bought a costume but I doctored it up a little to make it extra special. So I've been spray painting a box to get it ready and soon I'll get to start the fun part of decorating the box. I think it's going to come out CUTE. We have a big party at the Y on Saturday and you know I want my little robot to win.
This Saturday morning is also The Niece's 3rd birthday party at a pumpkin farm a couple hours from our house. We'll be leaving really early to get to that shindig. I guess she's worth it...after all, she IS my Goddaughter.
The Son is coming to work with me tomorrow morning, bright and early. He's excited but I just get stressed out about it. He also has tip testing for karate tomorrow night which will probably mean, a nap will be in order. Getting up at 6:15 AM is never easy for my little guy. So, in honor of the Halloween costume I'm working on, I'll post a few pictures of his Halloweens past.
Here he is at his first Halloween as "Woody" from "Toy Story". So cute.
The next year, he dressed as a Dalmatian pup from "101 Dalmatians". The Husband was also a pup and I dressed as Cruella for about 10 minutes until The Son made me take the wig off. It was fun while it lasted.
The next year, he was a ladybug. It was kind of difficult finding a "boy ladybug" costume and my mom helped me sew this one. He was so stinking cute! Incidentally, The Niece is going to wear this costume this year, she's going to be just as cute, I'm sure.
Last year he was "Lionel" from "Between the Lions". No one else knew exactly who he was but he was SO happy with this outfit. He LOVES that show. I was happy too frankly, it came out to look exactly how I wanted it to look.
So this year he's decided on Wall-E...wish me luck!
Have a great day everyone!
WOW...I can't believe you give report cards for swimming lessons...that really is NEAT!!
What FABULOUS costumes you have made...VERY CUTE!!! I can't wait to see this years'. Your son is so cute and has looked the same in every picture - you can just tell he is older...his facial features are the same as when he was a CUTE!!!
your costumes are awesome, cannot wait to see Wall-E!
awwww, loved seeing the costumes. I don't remember ever seeing his first halloween pics.
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