Today I am going on a field trip to the apple orchard with The Son's class. Can anyone tell me why it has to be so danged cold out right now? Usually in Pennsylvania at this time of year we have nice crisp fall days that MIGHT require a light denim or courdoroy jacket. Today it's practically freezing out and I'm going to have to wear a the orchard...with other moms who are WAY cuter than I am and will probably just be cold instead of wearing a hat and looking "not so cute". Then I have to go to work in a swim suit which is also not cute. At least The Son is cute, I'll just bask in his cute glory.
Speaking of The Son...his costume won "Most Original Costume" at the YMCA party this weekend. He looked awesome and we were all very proud. It wasn't surprising that we won since out of the 500 kids that were there, I think he might have been one of 10 that had a homemade costume. Am I remembering it wrong but didn't kids years ago always have homemade costumes? I know The Sister and I ALWAYS did...Our Mommy (A Halloween Birthday Girl) was good like that. I know she was smiling down on my little robot this Halloween and would have been very proud of me (and The Husband) for all our hard work.
So, I know you want a picture, right? I didn't get a lot that night, it was very dark at the party I'll show you a preview and then post more after the actual trick-or-treating that will commence on Friday. It's going to be cold. Last year we walked around The City in jeans and a top and The Son was actually hot in his costume, this year I'm trying to convince him that it's OK for Wall-E to wear a hat...he's not really happy about that, The Son likes to be very authentic in his costuming. So here he is, cutest Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class EVER...
OhMYGosh....he is soooo cute!! GREAT costume mom!!! Don't worry how you look you just stay warm!!!
GREAT JOB!!! The costume is adorable!
I meant to tell you my fam is from Erie and Meadeville!
Cute costume! I hate you for being so creative, not really, but kind of. ;)
The donation was for a good cause and I just wish it could have been more.
as always caren, you did a wonderful job! talk soon!
WOW Caren! I'm catching up on your life after missing some weeks on your blog and I am so so so impressed with the costume! The cockroach was a great final touch.
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