I know I shouldn't feel this way and as a nutritionist I should want people to get healthy but I write the following with a disclaimer saying that I've been very cranky for the past few days and working out is the only thing that makes me feel better and then when I get there, every treadmill is full so with out further adieu...
Dear People who just joined the Gym because it's a New Year:
Where have you been all year? The gym has been empty, the treadmills all available and now suddenly because the date has changed you feel the need to come work out?
I am a devoted gym member, I've been here faithfully almost every day. All of a sudden, I come to work out and there you are, hanging on for dear life with the treadmill set at an obviously too difficult incline. Do you know that if you lowered your incline, let go and used your arms while walking that you'd get a much better work out? Anyway...we all know that in six to eight weeks, you'll be tired of coming, disillusioned and bored anyway so let's just make it easier on everyone, go ahead and leave now.
And while we're at it. Smoking is not good for you, smoking a cigarette and then getting on the treadmill next to me is not good for you either. Your sweaty smoke smell, and stanky smoke clothes odorwafting over towards me while I try to work hard and breathe deeply is seriously unpleasant and honestly, just quitting the smoking is going to benefit your health WAY more than huffing and puffing and wheezing away on the treadmill ten minutes after smoking a cigarette. Perfume doesn't cover it up, you're not fooling anyone. Perfume is pretty much just as offensive and the two of them combined make me want to hurl.
Lastly, for those of you who DO plan on continuing after the "gym honeymoon phase" is over, good for you! Keep coming, keep working out. Please don't forget about the healthy eating, you'll feel great as those pounds come off but could you try to at least leave me a treadmill between the hours of noon and three? I'll be there, we can roll our eyes at the treadmill holder on-ers, the smokers and the excessive perfume wearers together.
Thank you and have a great work out.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
I think I could have written the same thing, word for word! As I've mentioned in the past, I dislike this time of year with the extra crowds due to the resolutioners too. I agree with you, I love seeing people being healthy, however the fact that the gym gets crazy for about a month, then goes back to normal, makes it more annoying.
So, you go to the gym between 12-3 and it's that crazy? My gym is typically quiet at that time, that's a shame that you can't get a treadmill during that time frame! A few more weeks....
We were in the same boat along with the same Y yesterday!!
Sadly we know it will happen, glad they have a great attitude but it doesn't have to be a New Years Resolution as you know joined and committed on our own!!!
Today luckily the Y was back to normal!!!
LOL We were in the same boat along with the same Y yesterday it was HORRIBLE!!!! Today the Y was actually back to normal at least around 2 that is!!!
Few more weeks & normalcy will return!!
Hahahaha...and, "Your sweaty smoke smell..." EEEWWW! It's bad enough when people come in my office after their smoke breaks (my office seems to be the most appealing place on earth...aside from the treadmill next to you...for smokers immediately following cigarette break)...I can't honestly say I've had that happen at the gym. Blech. BLECH!
You may have to swim for the month of January. You'll have your treadmill back at the time of your choice come Feb. 1. Mark my words. :-)
I have been complaining about this for years. I call them "Resolution People". It happens every Jan. and they crowd the gym for a month or 2 and then they disappear. Then they come back in April & May when they become aware that bathing suit season is coming. I think it is kind of funny that they think 2 months is all they need to get in shape. LOL!!
ha!! SO true!! My gym was mobbed over the weekend. I always feel proud of myself this time of year knowing that I am a faithful gym user all year long ;)
and YUCK to the cigarette and perfume smells! :P Makes me want to hurl as well!!
Oh my, I totally agree! I was at my gym the other day and could barely get a parking spot (and they have a HUGE parking lot!). Normally, the lot is about 1/3 full.
I loved this entry...too funny and SO true!!
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