Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm just saying...

Just a couple random thoughts because I'm still feeling kind of yucky and my brain isn't functioning properly. I DO have a doctor's appointment tomorrow evening, that's how you know I'm really feeling ill because I never get sick enough to feel that I should visit the doctor Anyway, here goes...

1. I HATE music on blogs. HATE it. If I want to listen to music while I'm reading, I'll put my own music on thank you very much. It's a shame because there are some really good blogs out there that I'd read and comment on regularly but I cannot stand the music. I know I can wait and turn it off myself but that just takes forever! It's 45 seconds of my life that I'll never get back and meanwhile, I have to listen to someone else's favorite tune that makes my ears want to bleed. One of my favorite bloggers who shall remain nameless but let's just say she's a really good decorator, just made her music player one that you can turn on yourself if you want to, I cannot tell you how happy that made me because although her music choices were something I might listen to if I were in the mood to listen to music, I don't like listening to music while I read. She made me happy the day she did that. Now for those of you who love music on blogs, that's fine too, keep it on there, it's YOUR blog, it should be the way YOU want it but I'm sorry to say that I will not be able to visit you on a regular basis, only when I have some extra time to spare where I can turn off your music player. I'm just saying...

2. If you're going to teach swimming and you know that you are going to be barefoot in front of A LOT of people on a regular basis, please do something about your toe nails. No one expects a perfectly pedicured pair of feet all the time (although it's nice) however, long brown dirty toenails are not attractive on a woman (or a man for that matter) I don't care if you pride yourself on being a "nature girl." I'm pretty sure that Mother Nature herself has lovely soft little feet with pretty trimmed and clean toenails, she probably doesn't wear polish but that's OK, she's Mother Nature. A pair of nail clippers, a nail file and perhaps a nice bottle of polish don't cost very much, and toe nails stay polished a long time, even when you spend a lot of time in the water, trust me, I know. It's worth the time and money to spare us all the sight of your hideous hooves. Many of these kids are scared enough when they come to swim class, they don't need the sight of your feet to scare them even more. OH, and you might want to think about shaving, or waxing or at least plucking. We have two eyebrows, not one (You're not Bert) and women should not have mustaches and last but not least, a little "personal grooming" might help too. No one expects a swim teacher to look beautiful and perfectly made up all the times but a little care in your personal appearance might be nice for those of us around  you. I'm just saying...

3. You are = "You're" NOT  "your."
A lot is two words, not one. 
Cannot is one word, not two. 
When you pluralize something you DO NOT need an apostrophe
To, too and two are three entirely different words with different meanings, learn them. 
...same with they're, there and their.

Now, do not think me harsh, I know everyone makes mistakes, mistakes are OK once in a while. It's just when I try to read a blog that has hundreds of mistakes per post that are simple common errors that could be fixed with rereading and spell check that I go a little nutty. It's probably the elementary school teacher in me. I know I tend to over use the ellipses a bit too much  and I'm sure that bothers someone, somewhere, who knows if they're reading my blog though? I just want to tell people to have some pride in your blog and in your ability to write without a myriad of grammatical errors. I'm just saying... (there's that darn ellipses again ;) ) 


Erin Leigh said...

WOW someone is in a pissy mood, LMAO.

I know all of these things about you, except for the music on blog thing but I have to say I agree with you on that. I don't like to read to music, just don't like it.

I hope my blog doesn't offend you too much, or is that two much ;)

Oh and since we are talking about things on blogs that are annoying, can you take the freaking word verification thing off so I don't have to type jumbled letters and try to figure out what the word would sound like if it was actually a word every time I comment on here. Run on sentences anyone ;)

Caren said...

Oh Erin! You crack me up, I'm not really in a pissy mood, I just feel lousy for too many days and I haven't been able to work out. It sucks!

As for the word verification thing, I don't think there is a way to take that off. If you know of one, I'd be happy to do it. Let me know!

Erin Leigh said...

I know there is cause I took mine off. Let me see if I can figure out how I did it!

Are you feeling any better?

Erin Leigh said...

Go to customize, settings and then comments. You will see it!

Shakirra said...

Okay! Scared of you Caren! When you let it go, you let it go! Totally agree about the feet issue..that's just nasty!

Unknown said...

I was just thinking the same thing about #1...would be nice if it were an option...

LOL...totally agree with #2.

Ok...#3 is pusing it...sometimes I get so excited and type so fast my brain can't seem to keep up the spelling...I do however, use spell checker all the time.