Friday, May 16, 2008

Amelia Island, FL - Part III - On the town!

Each night we took a trip into the town of Fernandina Beach. The Island is small, only 13 miles long so it didnt' take us long to get used to the area and explore a lot of it. Pirates are a big thing on The Island, here we are after a Ritz Carlton rum punch pirate toast. The Pirate family heads out to dinner. No, we didn't keep the hats on for the rest of the evening, just in case you were wondering.  ARRRRGH! 

Here we are at dinner on one of the first nights we went out. We went to a cute little place called "Cafe Karibo" it was really good despite our concierge's non-recommendation. I had read great things about it 
on-line, (You know CCMomma does her vacation research) so we tried it anyway. It was very casual, we ate outside at a patio table and  our waitress Stephanie was fantastic! We found out later that it was actually her first night. She was clearly an  experienced server because I never would have known unless another server casually mentioned it. The Son was pleased with the cats drinking out of the fountain, and the ants on the sidewalk. The Husband and I were pleased that he had something to keep him busy and well behaved. We never even had to bust out the Thomas Trains we brought along for any dining emergencies. A good experience for sure! 

These fountains were everywhere on The Island. The Son loves to throw coins into any kind of fountain so he was in his glory. (I seriously need to carry around a roll of pennies with me to keep this kid happy!) 

This was a beautiful old house on The Island, I didn't write down the name of it thinking I could later "google" it and find out what it was but alas, that hasn't worked for me today. I think it was something like Leicester House but I can't be positive. It wasn't as old as City House but it was built in the 1800s. It's a private residence that didn't offer tours, we tried to be respectful considering we know what it's like to live in a private residence where there's LOTS of tourists. 


Michelle said...


I love all your vacation pics! Looks like you guys had a GREAT time! And you looks super cute! :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad that you had a wonderful dinner at the non-recommended place! Sounds like my kind of place!

Love the Son and the fountains - my kids love them, too!

Nikki said...

It all looks so fun! I seriously would have been wearing those pirate hats all day! Very fun :D

Do they keep any fish in those fountains?

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun!! I bet it was hard living the Ritz Carlton life, then heading back home to real life, huh? Sounds like it was awesome. Loving the shark tooth necklace too.