Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I got presents!

I forgot to tell you all this, on Monday, I got presents from two different people! I felt so special! The first one was something that you may think is a little odd but is actually something I've been wanting for a long time. It's an old-fashioned iron! I am repainting a shelving unit/hutch thing for my laundry room and I thought one of these old iron, irons would look really cute on it when it's finished. I hate wrinkled stuff so I do a lot of ironing. I even iron sheets because I like them to look nice and crisp. Can you imagine having to iron things with this doohickey...and we complain about ironing being a chore today! 

While on the elliptical machine the other day, I happened to mention that I always wanted one of these to a friend from the Y, one of the other moms from a child in The Son's class and when she came back to pick up her son from school that day, she had it for me all wrapped up cute and everything. I didn't have my camera with me that day or you know I'd have a picture of that too! So, if you're reading this at all...thanks Michele, it was so kind of you to think of me, and soon  this iron will have a featured place as a decoration in my laundry room! 

The next gift was an orchid from my sweet Husband. He bought me one a couple months ago when we moved in, it's purple and is in our bedroom. It's been surprisingly easy to take care of and these suckers hold their blooms for a LONG time.  So he saw this one at Costco of all places the other day and thought I would like it. Of course, I do...I put it in our living room for now. Our living room needs more decoration but we haven't quite figured out what to do in there yet. This is a small, but nice start. We still need lamps and all kinds of other stuff but that will come in time. 

Here's a close-up of the flower part and the pot which is also cool. I told The Husband, if we have trouble keeping this one alive, at least the pot is attractive and can be used for something else! HA! 


Erin Leigh said...

I have an iron like that too from my grandmothers. The orchid is beautiful, that was nice of your DH. Really loving your furniture in there!!!

Caren said...

Thanks Erin! I love that furniture too. We never use the room though because we still have no lamps in there! One of these days we'll get there...